What tests are used to diagnose MCL?

There are signs and symptoms that might suggest a person has mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), but tests are needed to be certain of an MCL diagnosis. They may include:

Blood Test Icon
1. Blood tests.
MCL can cause abnormal blood counts. Doctors test blood to look for signs of disease. Blood tests are also used to learn if cancer treatment is needed now.
Biopsy Icon
2. Biopsies.
MCL can spread outside the lymph system. The only way to know if you have cancer is with a biopsy, a procedure that removes samples of fluid or tissue for testing. There are many types of biopsies; for B-cell lymphomas, NCCN experts advise getting an incisional or excisional biopsy.
Imaging Test Icon
3. Imaging tests.
These tests make pictures of the insides of your body and can show you which body parts have cancer. The radiologist, a doctor who is an expert in reading images, will convey the test results to your doctor.
Protein Test Icon
4. Protein test.
This test is used to identify cell proteins with a process called immunophenotyping (IM-you-noh-FEE-noh-typing). MCL has common patterns of proteins in its cells. Immunophenotyping helps confirm a diagnosis of MCL by identifying these proteins.
Genetic Test Icon
5. Genetic tests.
Testing for abnormal changes in genetic material can be important for both diagnosis and prognosis (the expected outcome of the cancer). MCL has common abnormal changes in chromosomes and genes, such as translocations—which are a switching of parts between chromosomes. In MCL, a translocation between chromosomes 11 and 14 is often found. Genetic testing for this translocation can help confirm a diagnosis of MCL.
Molecular Testing/NGS Test Icon
6. Molecular testing/next-generation sequencing (NGS).
Each cancer has a unique set of changes in the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) of the cancer cells. Doctors use molecular testing/NGS to examine the DNA and genes of your cancer cells for these changes. The test is used to look for mutations and other critical changes in the genes of cancer cells. Doctors can use this information to decide whether one treatment may work better than another for you.

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